

So, I'm going to do a quick blog about the first day of school before it's old news. I may go back and do more summer blog stuff later. Jamie is off to 2nd grade! She was excited to get to ride the bus again - for a while, until road construction is done. I know Nathan will miss her here at home. He has two weeks till his preschool starts.

She chose the pose.

I hope she gets on the right bus and makes it home this year! No tears from me this time. Happy school year!


Sarah said...

I love Jamie's little smile! So cute!
I hope she has a good school year.
What did you do for preschool? Just wondering.
Are you starting to feel a little better?
Would you like me to bring you some ice-cream one day? Or Frogurt?
Just say the word!

LauraDave said...

Sarah, I would just love to have a visit from you anytime! You don't even have to bring anything. I'm feeling much better because I can drink water now! Yea! There are several Mom's in my neighborhood who used to teach school and now do preschools in thier homes. I take Nathan to one of them Tuesdays and Thursdays for 2 hours. It's cheaper than the school ones. Hope you all are doing well!